

如果你真的想找个亲力亲为的人, 有稳定职业的技术工作, 考虑供暖问题, 通风, 空调, 和制冷(制冷)领域. You will do important work to ensure that the internal heating and cooling systems of local residential, 商业, 工业设施全年平稳运行. 另外, 一旦你成为一名暖通空调技术员, you will earn consistent income to provide for yourself and your family. 


作为暖通空调技术员, you will make a positive impact on your city by keeping people secure and comfortable all year long. Your training for this in-demand role can take place right here at our 俄亥俄州辛辛那提市暖通空调学校.

现在是重返校园的最佳时机. With Fortis’s career-readiness and interactive hands-on training, 你会得到全力支持去追求你的目标. 毕业后, you will have the required knowledge and skills to pursue employment in the 暖通空调 field.

At our 暖通空调 school in 辛辛那提, you will learn valuable skills to:

  • 安装、维护和修复 the vital heating and cooling systems that create a comfortable environment inside various types of buildings.
  • 执行计算机辅助诊断 to service and repair 商业, residential, industrial systems.
  • 解决问题,批判性思考 当你从训练过渡到现实世界的场景.

富通在辛辛那提的暖通空调课程, OH, combine classroom instruction and lab work to equip you with the skills you need to secure entry-level 暖通空调 employment and a stable income for your family. 



"The 暖通空调 field had what I was looking for—a career that is enjoyable and rewarding."


Fortis and the city of Centerville both value community impact. 通过我们在森特维尔的暖通空调学校, you can assist your community as an 暖通空调 technician by ensuring the safety of residents and visitors.

俄亥俄州的第三大城市, 辛辛那提 has a tremendous need year round for skilled 暖通空调 technicians to service residential, 商业, 工业设施. You might pursue employment with one of the area’s top employers—Kroger Co, 辛辛那提儿童医院, 和Trihealth Inc ..

暖通空调 technicians are further in demand due to 辛辛那提’s very cold, 多雪的冬天和温暖的冬天, 潮湿的夏天. There is a consistent need for trained installers/mechanics who can maintain heating and cooling systems across the city. Fortis will prepare you to meet this local demand and find stable employment.

类之间的, you might check on the local sports teams or enjoy a plate of chili- and cheese-topped spaghetti. 

After completing our 暖通空调 classes in 辛辛那提, you will be ready for hiring opportunities such as:

  • 暖通空调服务公司
  • 总承包商及发展商
  • 有设施的大公司

从辛辛那提暖通空调学校毕业后, 许多学生选择成为企业家, building their own 暖通空调 business and serving their local city.


Plan a visit to Fortis College’s 俄亥俄州辛辛那提市暖通空调学校

Fortis is serious about giving you the tools you need to pursue a career in the 暖通空调 field. 一旦你报名参加我们的辛辛那提暖通空调学校, you will have access to helpful instructors and a supportive career services team. Together, they will walk beside you every step of the way as you build your 暖通空调 career.

Our 辛辛那提 campus is conveniently located 20 minutes northeast of downtown 辛辛那提, 从大多数主要高速公路可以很容易到达.

辛辛那提市中心: 沿I-75北至沙伦维尔的沙伦东路.

从太. 通风: Take I-275 E in Northgate to Princeton Pike in Springdale. 从42号出口走,继续走到沙隆维尔.

十大正规赌博平台大全因州和校园而异. 并非所有课程都在所有地点提供. 请联系当地校园了解认证信息.


Find out more about the admissions process for this program.
