Indianapolis HVAC-R Programs

HVAC-R Training in Indianapolis, Indiana

If you enjoy hands-on, technical work, the field of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC-R) could be right for you. Within this stable field, 你们将做重要的工作,以确保当地住宅的供暖和制冷系统, commercial, and industrial buildings run smoothly year round. As an HVAC technician, 你也会获得一份稳定的薪水来养活自己和你爱的人.

Discover Indianapolis’ HVAC-R Programs

暖通空调的职业生涯将使你对你的城市产生积极的影响,让人们全年都保持安全和舒适. 您可以在印第安纳波利斯的HVAC学校开始培训,成为入门级HVAC技术员, IN.

富通的互动式实践培训和职业准备服务, you will be supported while pursuing your career goals. Upon graduation, 您将具备在暖通空调行业寻找工作所需的知识和技能. 



  • Understand complex operational systems 以及如何在商业、住宅和工业环境中修复它们.
  • Maintain essential heating and cooling systems, keeping them in good working order year round
  • Think critically so you can solve real-world problems on the job. 


Chuck C.

HVAC Program Graduate

"My Fortis education made me more confident, 我能够立即全身心投入到我的暖通空调新事业中."

Join Our Indianapolis HVAC-R Program

As the famous capital city of Indiana, Indianapolis is vital to the state’s economy, 使其成为您在HVAC-R领域接受教育和就业的理想场所.

印第安纳波利斯以漫长、温暖、多雨的夏季和短暂但多雪的冬季而闻名. 这些条件创造了对熟练的暖通空调技术人员的需求,以便在各个季节维护各种类型的建筑物. Fortis’ HVAC School in Indianapolis, IN会让你准备好满足这一需求,并为你的社区服务.

毕业后,你可以申请成为州或地方政府的暖通空调技术员. 在主要的医疗保健中心也有就业机会, advanced manufacturing and logistics companies, or sports employers, like the NCAA or the Pacers.

印第安纳波利斯也被称为“美国的十字路口”,也许骑自行车是最好的体验. Popular local attractions include basketball games, Formula One racing, and Canal Walk, 一条3英里长的步行环路,穿过白河州立公园.


  • Air conditioning and HVAC service companies
  • General contractors
  • Large institutions with maintenance staff

您将得到富通当地教师和职业服务团队的指导, 你可以在毕业后立即开始你的HVAC-R职业生涯.

我们在印第安纳波利斯的暖通空调培训的一些毕业生选择创业, 开创自己的暖通空调业务,为他们的城市服务.

Find Greater Confidence Like Chuck C., Indianapolis HVAC-R Program Graduate

Explore Fortis’ Indiana HVAC School


如果你住在印第安纳州,并且有一辆自行车,你可以试着骑自行车去学校. 除此之外,我们的校园离市中心只有20分钟的车程. 富通位于I-465州际公路附近的学院公园地区,靠近US-421州际公路交叉口.

From Downtown Indianapolis: Take I-65 N and I-465 N to N Michigan Rd. in Pike Township. Use exit 27 and continue on N Michigan Rd. Proceed to Wesleyan Rd. and continue to our campus.

From Lawrence: Take I-465 N to US-421 S/N Michigan Rd. Use exit 27 and continue on N Michigan Rd. Proceed to Wesleyan Rd. and continue to our campus.

Programs vary by state and campus. Not all programs are offered at all locations. Contact local campus for accreditation information.

Frequently Asked Questions

